Tuberculosis and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis sufferers then and now seeks political attention and solidarity, not melancholic or romantic ideals.
**The TB mentions in the writeup is from my personal experience and learning with tuberculosis and drug resistant tuberculosis only.*** So most of the time when there is a mention of tuberculosis, nobody wants to associate with it even just talking about it...Drug resistant tuberculosis which is deadlier is not talked about at all too ( and these two are different : Drug resistant Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis is not the same, not getting into that now ) But even when the stigma of shame is there and even when tb community is not given attention, In one way or the other you are all, we are all associated with tuberculosis , like we are associated with breathing. But if that ain't shaking our conscience ,by considering the stats, definitely people living with us or next to us are affected by tuberculosis and Drug resistant tuberculosis, someone in the family doesn't want to talk about what they are going through because they do not feel safe to talk about it. We are the same pe...