
It was the radio production classes going on...the clean and tidy ambiance.... would better call that a sharp ambiance ..the atmosphere in the studio was that peaceful that any individual who have been to audio recording studios can easily relate with...I am basically not a kind of person who can easily grasp all those console fader functions..the software to record the voice looked fine to me than the console ...mostly the classes commence with a brief about the activity that we would be asked to carry out in the very next welcoming I listened to what my teacher came up with this time...I knew if I am asked to speak in the studio then the rest would be in the console arena making faces and pinpointing each and every line that I speak..and so it was necessary for me to sketch out a plan to what I should speak if in case I am asked said by someone in the past sometime..."if you feel scared and nervous of something ..that event would gulp you the way you feared it in the very  next moment"(that's just a cooked up saying by me though)...and so it happened..I was asked to speak partner was friend ...she is from Zambia...the only girl in my class who have the same wavelength of emotions and expressions alike me...and that was the good part..we were both nervous the same way...and tried to pretend calm...I said " I knew this would happen and I have the sketch in mind."... then we scribbled that to a paper..and it was somewhat like this..:

Good evening listeners!!!!!! are listening to the 'Campus tunes'!!! and..... this is RJ Elssa.!
Welcome you all to another slot of our program......."The Jovial Pals"!!

The temperature is 5 degree chilling cold and is just mesmerizing.

So,......we are set with our topic of the day quite crisp and specific -introducing the term MOJO!!!!
that is....... mobile journalism!!

So guys and gals out there !!!.....set you ears to grab this chance of disseminating your content to the masses through MOJO.!!

What if you see your neighbor being  battered by her husband ..??
you would yearn to bring this matter to attention but have no resources to take up the issue !!

What if you see an innocent child being abused and accused of something and he/she seeks your help to resolve.. but you have no idea what to do!

That moment you know something is wrong and you are supposed to react...but have no idea what exactly to do.Then the MOJO concept wants you to invoke the journalist in you ...

PICK UP YOUR CELL PHONES ..Yes !! your mobiles which is closer than your closest friend ...pick up that cell of yours and start capturing.

Capture anything and everything you need to spread to the masses..
.......,when you need help from the rest to react ,make it possible through mobile journalism.!!!!

'Jovial pals' invites you to rise up ..and all you need know about 'MOJO' is coming up ...Tune on to the " Campus tunes " and get the full fledged MOJO idea...This is RJ Elssa coming up with much more creative ideas for you all..!

 That's how my classwork ended ..I knew it was silly but vibes that surged in me were on the happy pace...and with in no time our vocals were judged ,opined and recorded too by the rest of my BJMC  team members..our teacher appreciated us and commented that it was indeed a qualitative product...

And now arises the question why I have totally mixed up the vocal play into the mobile journalism concept ( as in the title is MOJO)..and the answer is its not just a classwork..this is something that my heart longed to pass on to my peers.
 My bench-mates are all lovers..lovers of the new it lecture,tutorial,practicals or speech of an eminent personality going peers have a phone ,an earphone and then all other tech amenities tight in their hands..and trust me that's a good is quite a right way..and so I wanted to just whisper into their ears that....that device in your palm can sometimes act as a weapon..a tool against anything unethical..shoot,capture ,record anything unethical ....ethically!!you become a reporter in this vast newsroom where a few fabricate news,the other few stand by truth intact...and we all know that there are just two kinds of people in this world ,good and bad...we know what is ethical and what is unethical...the latter shouldn't prevail..lets erase it,,,lets make  options and methods to erase them...

this world is a vast newsroom and I am an ethical journalist!!


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