AS AN INTERN...!!!!!

The practise period of any learned subjects is the most important and inevitable session as it scrub the intellect in the person and get it polished in the right form. The sphere of journalism and mass communication is one such area that definitely requires this polishing. And for me the internship or a training session for two months (30days) in two established media houses thoroughly made this objective to learn happen.

The New Indian Express, Kochi, Kaloor, Kerala is a reputed media house; a print media. This South India based newspaper is circulated in Kochi, Kerala. June 1st 2016 to June 30th 2016 was the time period of internship that I spent in this firm. The culmination of different activities and its perfection is the style statement of “The new Indian express”. The work routine and professional atmosphere in here moulded the journalist in me. This was indeed the best session.

The Deccan Chronicle .Kochi, Kaloor, Kerala was the second area of work were I could prove my mettle in different spheres like reporting ,features, attending seminars, Malayalam to English translations etc...From July 1st till July 30th.

The experience I attained from the new Indian express was a boon here as I could grasp easily what the reporters and my heads of the firm require, I was well trained to contact eminent personalities and get their statements penned.

My rapport with the reporters and the authorities were sharpened and helped me gain confidence to face the real field..The Deccan chronicle office atmosphere was different to that of The new Indian express and to adapt to it was indeed an effort and bliss for me.
In fact both these firms; holding a stern root in the area of  print journalism helped me in numerous ways and the detailed report of its different aspects are explained in here.


The Indian express, Kochi office is a well structured and disciplined institution. The red and white colour themed walls; covered with the photo boards revealing major milestones and publications pinned on the walls. Mr. Rajesh Abraham the chief editor of the firm is the one who assigned me with tasks to be accomplished in the internship period. The chief bureau Mr. Vinod Mathew kept a random check on the works I complete.

Stories to Research: The procedure of penning a story for the newspaper begins with proper research about the subject. Evidences and sources in support is a vital part. This is the most important pace of the story construction.

Press Club: Attending press club and getting updated with the events around, collecting letters that is bounded to the firm was a task assigned and a job worth informative.

Seminar and conferences: To attend seminars and conferences representing the media house was indeed a different and proud task, this boosted my knowledge about different events happened in Kochi, Kerala. The “Poetic Installation 2016” was one among the events were I could attend the speeches of eminent poets of the state.

Live Reporting: The real time reporting of any event and drafting the matter into a story with very less time was a challenging and at the same time quite effective task.

Features: Writing human interested stories , Knowing the pulse of the readers were definitely a thought provoking session as it kept me ultra interactive with the people of the state and was quite successful to get updated with the latest trends and issues.

Translations of Press releases: Some of the press releases were received in native language (here Malayalam). So translating from Malayalam to English and drafting the story helped me sharpen my vocabulary and report writing skills.

Kochi Express ideas: The supplementary editions were often filled with soft stories that are mostly youth related. To come up with novel ideas that would excite youth was a task that kept me pondering over different topics and yet they came in the right form throughout the internship.


The firm which is a 24*7 on execution mode with “field reporters”, “Desk members”, “editors”, and “Bureau”.
Being an intern in the firm, the schedule assigned to me was a routine swapped with “filed reporters” i.e when the field reporters leave the firm in the mornings at 10am ; I was assigned to occupy their cabins and continue with works assigned as per the day’s need.
Most of the days visiting Press club and collecting press releases was a must job, translating the releases from native language (here Malayalam) to English, report writing, researching on new ideas for the supplementary editions were few of the works that ruled this learning period.
1.      Submission of the Idea
2.       Meeting with the Editor.
3.      Approval of the idea.
4.      Gathering sources and data.
5.      Collecting statements.
6.      Drafting the file.
7.      Sending it to the editor and desk members.
8.      Any corrections required would be informed by the editor.
9.      Re work and send again.
1.  Getting the story published.

From 10 am to 6pm is the slot given so as to finish the day’s work. The firm insisted on meeting the deadlines especially for the stories that they assign .Considering time taken for the story of which the idea was submitted by me, they gave me the privilege to take enough time ( a day)  so as to get the sources right. The New Indian Express was quite particular about the authenticity of the sources and statements of the story and demanded a full detailed report of the statements ‘By whom, when and why”. I had to send complete profiles of people who commented for the stories as a proof.


The topics of which the idea was thoroughly mine were all soft stories for the supplementary edition “the Kochi Express” of The New Indian Express of which I got By-lines.

Week 1: “THE LIFE OF GEN-Y”: This story dealt with the latest trends of youth in Kochi. About the fashionstas and the differences that they have brought in the society by the Dressing style, the dialect, the hair styles, the riding culture, the filmy effect and so on. This indeed gave me a perfect starting and helped me create a good bond with people who gave me statements for the same. This was a page-1 story with more than 1000 words and it triggered me to give thoughts on topics for further weeks.

Week 2: “HANGING OUT WITH BUDDIES”: A feature on the hangout areas of Kochi, this story made me visit different hangout areas of the youth and talk to them about the latest talk of the town, areas that drive them to plan get-togethers and reunions. With highly co-operative youth sets and interactions I could make this story a detailed one drafting a page-1 story with more than 1000 words.

Week 3: “ DEENS ON THE DAIS” : This featured two dancers of the state, The story was drafted in a style focusing the angle that the dancers of the state become a challenge to the event management teams making different occasions quite professional with their dance events. A story with 350 words approximately, A Page 2 story for which I got a by-line.

Week 4:”A FAMILY FOR THE LONELY HEARTS” :  A story about a place called “SSSMILE VILLAGE”, Kerala,  which is structured in a way that they offer family to the needy or deprived ones. This story was a detailed note and an insight into a model that the charity homes must consider as it follows a family design. A 500 words story, that got published in the page 3 of Kochi Express with by-line.

“SCRIPTING UNNAMED STORIES” :  A story on ghost writers of the state. This story emphasised on the new decisions taken by ghost writers and their yearning to get honoured for their works with strong supporting statements from the other writers of Kochi as well. A Page 2 story with around 400 words approximately. This gained a by-line.

“LEISURE VENTURES:” The last project I completed in The New Indian Express about the adventurous sport groups of the state. It dealt with different genres of travelling, i.e. .trekking and other adventurous sports of the state. This story is submitted and is yet to be published when the column of travelling ventures will be ready.


The attendance pattern if the firm is quite systematic, with an ID card entry and a biometric system. The security is quite strong and anyone other than the reporters, staff and interns are not allowed to enter inside the organization without consent.

The Editor is very particular about the deadline and the perfection in the report as reports are timely and requires to be published on time.

Authenticity of the sources, as any silly mistake will bring huge loss to the reputation of the firm, the check on how authentic the profile of the story statements are is a matter of strict concern

The firm follows a strict atmosphere where the reporters and staff are quite serious and into their works.

Work is important and if  an intern or staff need to leave early, he/she must make sure that the work is completed  and submitted to the editor on time.


Adapted to the strict environment: 
I easily adapted to the strict and disciplined atmosphere of the firms which helped me to act professional and is certain to imbibe it throughout my life.

Versed with the firm’s writing style:
The New Indian Express  and The Deccan Chronicle follow  distinct and conversational mode of writing when it comes to soft stories and they prefer maximum quotes of people in support, with charts, graphs and data. This was a great learning to mould my writing on to a professional level.

Made my typing and writing on fast pace:
 The typing pace met a better state as drafting the story on the document files were done on a daily basis. Mistakes were lesser by the end of the training.

Learned about the place:    
I learnt a lot about Kochi, people and trends that rule the place. Also being more alert to avoid mistakes in the features I cross checked my own works again and again thereby learning to edit.
Got to know the pulse of the readers:
The People of the place, Kochi, Kerala demanded a specific and different writing style which is subject to change. Learning elements that would excite readers was a new experience.
Develop Contacts:
I got to widen my circle through mingling with many people  for the story needs, also as statements of the eminent personalities were required I got chances to contact ministers and other popular figures like poets, dancers etc..
Rapport with the reporters and editors:
 Healthy rapport with the reporters and editors of the firm as every story is discussed and shared.
Other benefits like the treatment I got during conferences and seminars as the firm’s representatives were quite warm.


The Deccan Chronicle, Kochi office is a well sophisticated and rich with segmented desks and departments. The yellow themed walls;  with newspaper holders and photos. Mr. KP Sethunath, the senior editor of the firm is the one who assigned me with works to be completed in the internship period. The reporters and desk members including the feature head : Cris S, Smitha , Krishna , Nedumudyvenu etc...helped me to get adapted to the working style and methods. The tasks expected from an intern :

Ideas for the City Life Page: The additional editions comprised of city life pages, entertainments issues and flow of ideas on a daily basis was a must in The Deccan Chronicle.

Press Club: Visiting  press club and getting  latest updates , bringing letters  to the firm was a task on daily basis. Press release on an event dedicated to Helen Keller was the most fascinating one.

Seminar and conferences : To attend seminars and conferences representing The Deccan Chronicle.

 Live Reporting: Gathering reports as per the instruction of the editor.

Features: Writing soft stories, Knowing what would fascinate the readers.

Translations ;of Press releases press releases that is in native language (here Malayalam) into English .

Researching on feature stories: Stories about the new trend among youth ; like “Prisma” new applications that brings the pomp among youth , “pokymone go” game effects etc..were some of the stories discussed and reported.


This organization follows a full time working structure with “field reporters”, “Desk members”, “editors”, and “Bureau”.

My role as an intern was to assist this force with expected help like framing a proper strong with details that the reporters give. Drafting stories and gathering maximum statements in support as per the story,.                                                     

1.      Discussing the story with the Desk member
2.       Meeting with the Senior Editor.
3.      Seeking permission to start with drafting.
4.      Collecting sources and ensuring its authenticity.
5.      Framing the story type and request for the colomn space.
6.      Drafting the file.
7.      Sending file to the desk member.
8.      Any corrections required would be informed by the desk member.
9.      Re work and send again.
1.  Getting the story published.

The framing of the stories and drafting the file begins from 10 am to 6pm everyday. The slots may differ According to the tasks assigned. Mr Nedumudy was the person who was incharge of checking and sending my work to the senior editor. It was a training period quite frituful and effective as it followed a strong inspections and editing.


A feature about the cycling fad of the state with 350 words limit on city page. Discussed about the merits of the cycling ventures..Statements by people about the same. This got published on the city page.

Translating Malayalam press releases to English , as this task kept this week quite tight ,features were not taken to draft.
A full-fledged report on the Helen Keller event that took place in Kochi , the exhibitions, the events heldf at lulu mall, Kochi  made this week packed with reports.

 A feature about home libraries, the advent of the bookish sets in Kochi and the designs and structure of the library at home. Discussed about two home library ventures of Kochi, Kerala and Thrissur, Kerala. The simple mode of library designs and the aesthetic mode designs were penned.


The rules and regulations that I was practised in The Deccan Chronicle office are:
The attendance pattern of the firm follows the biometric system with security .Anyone with a story statement can meet the editor with an appointment and not otherwise.
The cabins arranged in an order with the desk members work in a systematic order. The meetings with the editor and conferences inside the office happen in a routine manner.
Any important matter to be delivered is mentioned in the notice board and a record of all the press releases are taken into account.
Deadlines are a strict matter of concern and every reporter stick to it. I assisted the features department and my works were mostly soft stories, so the drafting of the file had to be in lesser time as the feature stories and soft genres were one important session of the newspaper.

This 60days / 2months of internship was quite a learning experience that shed light upon feature writing techniques, article formation, framing reports, drafting stories etc.

These print media houses are examples of pure professionalism crowned with ethics, standard policies and proper system.
It’s indeed my privilege to have been worked with both these efficient firms.


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