Thematical and simplicity is what holds the film genres. Watching the so called blockbuster movies gives you a chill time ; with friends, popcorn in hand, captivating dialogues, motivating heroism; the end result is an empty popcorn cone and a head with movie scenes flashing; Which was the last movie you watched ?? what was its theme??? These questions may not receive a reflex answer because its the central character that drives us always and not the themes..., sadly, we groom the hero much better than beautifying the script. This is were the youngsters of today are playing a vital role. 

Being worked as an intern in two established print media firms of Kerala, I have had the privilege to interact with the burgeoning dancers, film makers, writers, social workers and so on.The young generation including me have all the right to head up and surge with proud for the varietal experiments that we indulge into. When google answer us and searches related guide us to films and videos, its easier a task to instill our brains with the young thoughts that's been moulded into short films, video compilations . These rising up film crews too follow the agenda of getting into the masses and they do, may be the big screen is a bit faraway from them . But why cant you give t a try?? At times, spare it for the novel film crews on web; cheers to the filmmakers on web; disappointments wont happen in abundance....and above all as you have a 'close icon' on ought to be decisive.


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