Exhaustion to stillness

From briefing it all, to detailing
From detailing to getting into the nuances
From there to opening up
From openness to desperate need to be heard.
To be listened, to be asked, to communicate, to connect
To be enquired, like, u said so things went wrong, wats wrong? I am here.
To be assured, to try knowing wats in one's head
Wanting to be asked to keep talking,
To never hear from the other side to stop talking
To never ever come across exclusion
To have a part, a role, some hope
For the exhaustion to be understood
To not be pushed to the stillness, to not be sunken
Coz exhaustion is deep long breathing,
A hole in the heart, heavy in the lungs,
Not knowing where the body wants to go,
Falling to the hollow depth
From noise to silence
From chaos to numbness
From exhaustion to stillness.


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