News Curation and Scriptwriting

 News Curation and Scriptwriting 

TASK 1. News Curation 

World - Geopolitics  

1. Sudan crisis the-fighting-in-sudan - Aljazeera report- May 24, 2023 

Timeline and details of the issue: Vox explainer neighbour/- Maktoob 

2. Gaza bombings  

Explaining the backdrop with the Palestinian struggle for freedom  

Israel war crimes: crimes-un-rights-chief palestinian-village-near-ramallah/ 

3. G20 summit

(what it means and why was it in news) 

- Breaking down the chronology into simpler form 

- And explaining the beautification drive that resulted in evictions security-measures-ahead-of-g20-meeting/articleshow/100311859.cms 

Evictions ahead of G20 summit – all over India- Delhi, Mumbai,Pune etc.. - eviction-mcd-ahead-g20-meet 

- rendered-homeless-as-city-decks-up-for-summit-89252 

Why the resistance? // normalcy-in-kashmir-by-holding-g20-meeting 

4. Overview of the middle eastern political landscape

Human rights implications loom large as Middle Eastern countries with really poor track records find newfound camaraderie. 

The people of those nations suffer when autocratic leaders gain strength from their reinforced alliances. standing-to-lose/?sh=1935077f5e3d 


▪ 1. The issues with pharma-business (India) south%E2%80%99.html EPW- May 27,2023 

- detailing the patent system that hinders the affordability of life-saving meds - Challenging pharma-monopolies patent-in-india-in-july-may-be-a-giant-leap-in-the-fight-against-tb-10316461.html Moneycontrol- May 27, 2023 

This article gives an example – of the drug bedaquilin and about its recent patent challenge. 

Another example: 

- Of patent monopoly on vaccines – moderna-hit-with-new-alnylam-patent-lawsuits-over-covid-19-vaccines/100540281 

▪ 2. Capitalism ; guised as collaboration  

- Explaining the conglomerates stake-in-adani-group-by-10-to-3-5-billion/ 

US-based GQG Partners has pumped in another $330 million-$530 million into Adani companies. 

▪ 3. Report on food inflation week-ended-may-28-111060900163_1.html 

Big Tech/ AI

o 1. The caste problem in India’s tech policy 

- Explaining India’s anti-caste tech policy. 

- India’s digital divide contributes to online social exclusion and lack of diversity in the  tech workforce. 

- AI technologies’ fairness metrics and constraints are not primed to identify caste  biases 

The Digital India Act & Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2023 briefly discusses  upholding citizens’ rights and rights against discrimination. Yet unclear how caste bias will  be eradicated. 8607880/ 

o 2. Tech layoffs in-2023-and-this-is-not-the-end-2382418-2023-05-22 

o 3. ChatGpt and the present discourse 

- Explaining the AI-powered chat box and its functioning 

How market integrates ChatGpt in to their functioning mechanism like : with-search-for-better-product-discovery/articleshow/100475241.cms?from=mdr 


TASK 2: Scriptwriting 

1. The case of Nord Stream 

Questions continue to swirl about how Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 were damaged last  year, with U.S. officials maintaining they had no role in the sabotage of the pair of Russian  pipelines supplying natural gas to Europe. The questions on who ordered and who carried  out the attack are one of the many mind-boggling mysteries.  

(Timeline graph) 

When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were  damaged last September, The U.S. officials quickly suggested that Russia had bombed its  own pipelines. (site photos)

But according to a detailed report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh,  the U.S. Navy carried out the sabotage, with help from Norway. (quote with photo) 

Citing a source "with direct knowledge of the operational planning," Hersh writes on his  Substack blog that planning for the mission began in December of 2021. (highlighting important quote// underlining on) 

The White House and the Norwegian government have since denied the claims.  

Hersh’s report says the U.S. decision to bomb the pipelines was meant to lock allies into  support for Ukraine at a time when some were wavering. (fillers) 

Nord Streams 1 and 2 comprise 2 pipelines each. Nord Stream 1 (operational from 2011)  provided Germany and much of Europe with cheap natural gas from Russia for over 10  years. Nord Stream 2 was due to begin operations this year. (fillers) 

According to Hersh’s report, As the US has long been wary of Russia’s dominance in EU  energy markets, they saw the development of Nord Stream 2 as furthering Moscow’s grip on  Europe. (fillers) 

Key hints in the reports explains, Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political  Affairs comment, “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not  move forward.” ( file videos ) 

Further US president Joe Biden also added, “If Russia invades . . . there will be no longer a  Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” 

However, The US denies Hersh’s report and calls it a complete fiction while Russia says the  reports calls for an investigation. (fillers) 

2. How Influencers face heat for promoting a scam event  

A start-up funding event by the World Startup Convention held at Noida, India promised the  presence of business magnets and investors from Elon Musk to the Prince of Dubai, and it  turned out to be a scam. Thousands of start-up founders who paid huge amount were  scammed in an event promoted by prominent influencers. (event site photos) 

None of the promised investors and keynote speakers turned up. The start-up founders who spent thousands of rupees for attending the event expecting angel investors as promised were  scammed. (website snapshots)

Reports and tweets from attendees reveal that the young founders, students, and companies  that hoped for investment were duped by World Startup Convention. (social media  screenshots) 

The promotions of the event relied on voices in the industry. The attendees hold startup influencers like Ankur Warikoo, Prafull Billore, Raj Shamani and Chetan Bhagat,  accountable for the duped start-up founders. (collage) 

The duped entrepreneurs are taking legal action against the organizers for false claims and  police surrounded the area to control the angry crowd. Social media discuss the take on how  influencers have to be responsible about the contents they promote. (file videos) 



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