A question that peeps in frequently in my mind from the very start of my day begins with a refreshing face wash and there when I see a yellow tint in the water it angers me because when I pay my tax for the water services ..How come I get supplied with dirty water...herein I doubt...AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

.When I go get a few edibles of my choice from the nearby canteen I presume that its healthy to take in, unless I see filth stuck on its packing...And then I curse myself for trusting the food inspection schemes of the government...and herein I doubt AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

A fine walk and a smooth ride on the roads are hindered with gutters and puddles....Men die or perish on the road due to the horrific state of the roads, speeding, less security to masses..... Where elected leaders and public servants go with innumerable escorts mostly for an inauguration .An inauguration that would make the whole place cordoned, schools closed, hospital not approachable, traffic closed and any imaginable trouble for the public. What a publicly elected leader fears to have war like arrangements to go in the midst of the people. The whole cost is on my tax money wherein my freedom is snatched. Here the rules remain just on paper...when traffic rules are not applicable for the so called top level officers and their families ...when from my necessities I give a portion to the national contribution and I find myself not in the group of those benefited ...should I again entertain the coming up metro plans when at least the road from my home till college itself isn’t properly maintained....You don’t have to give me a fabulous list of fake promises prepackaged! But my dear leaders, just answer me when I ask AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

Unclean and Filthy Government hospitals!! I wonder!!!Those were built by my tax money ....meant for our treatment. Where do the money budgeted for cleanliness goes. Why Doctors on roll are missing, why staff so rude? Are they not getting their salaries from my tax money??? And when hospitals are in short of beds, when my fellow men are dying due to negligence of the hospital staffs..When quacks rise up with MBBS...How would the government expect me to get diagnosed in here where prescribed medicines are not of the equal quality of the given it like  I am too young to know whether AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

When the queues in any government office prolong and when government formalities can be compromised with bribes...When they make laws flexible in their hands for money and still get that salary from government which is the money that I paid as tax...I doubt AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

A minute change in my ID is too big a reason to keep me circling the government offices to make the accurate change in it.. ...a loan to get sanctioned, pension to get approved, bills to get passed..I often request..Guess these were my rights!!!Why am I the one always an imagery of pleading hands yearning to be listened? Am I expected to long and appeal for the never rapid systems...??From birth certificates to death certificates one gets burnt in the sphere of bribery and corruption... While travelling there are instances to have asked for bribe for a ticket reserved and in waiting list. These authorities get the salaries from our tax money. Yet they are more than  greedy to collect money to allot seats to waiting list passengers if at all seats are available. Why? Where is the benefit for being an Indian...? This way AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

I see around rickshaw pullers, manual workers, and slum dwellers, all class of labourers, desperate farmers and people at the zenith of misery sweating hours in the scorching sun or exposed to extreme cold, work for their meagre daily bread..... Have seen fellow Indians struggling on the pavements even forced to eat from the dustbins and at the same time the so called elected leaders competing each other with foreign trips and political publicity have no mind to look down to help them. Looking at the purpose of electing them and their utter failure to reach the public make me think again AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

I listen to all the promises....No! In fact I hear all the promises and go along with our daily routine believing those promises of our leaders would lighten our worries but outcomes have often been upsetting. . They shout for development and projects allotting crores of funds but these become a chance to loot than development .Who become rich by these schemes? Why am I not getting the benefit of my hard earned money? Should i start accepting the fact that I am just a tax payer or arouse against the systems and question:  AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

Lots of bans!!! For irrational reasons, on illogical basis!.....From freedom of speech to ‘eating’..... Have we elected our leaders to curtail our own freedom making me JUST A TAX PAYER? Using very dangerous insecticides not banned that make our vegetables very poisonous......  but meat is banned!!! Using various religious thesis and dogmas why our eating choices have to be curtailed. We are the tolerating citizens of India. We have a big land with various customs, religions, languages and cultures spread all over... That’s our identity. ... Has it gone too narrow to succumb into the religious dogmas or compartmental thinking? Too much of this fastening will snap the rope. All these bans make me really think AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

Do we not have the choice to any culture? Who defines culture? Is not culture of each person coined by continuous living in a region or place or habitat? Any culture that does not harm another and not immoral is welcome, But to specify and force a culture on the citizens would be assassination of freedom. I would not get disturbed on my culture though it is a mixed one in order for my comfortable level. Anything less than that would make me ask AM I JUST A TAX PAYER??

Is my tax money just for the politician’s tactics ways to buy votes at will, appeasing people? Is it availed to facilitate required amenities in any public places? How many railway stations or bus terminals have at least fans in summer or Seating facilities for the commuters? Why people are forced to sit on the dirty ground in railway stations and bus terminals. Why am I waiting for years for judgments in courts? Why justice so delayed? Have not the citizens taken care of each and every man working in the judiciary? Or is it that I AM JUST A TAX PAYER!!!!??????

I know time flashes fellow beings say accept things around as it is...but is it not so unjust when we contribute a lot to the treasury wherein it fills the pockets of those who does not deserve it’s high time we snatch our nation from the these wrong hands and state it a developed one in terms of welfare rather than marching ahead blind for the parties who teach us that it’s still a developing one...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They way you said this is very good...

  3. നിന്റെ ചോദ്യങ്ങളൊക്കെ ശരിയാണ് ... പക്ഷേ ഇന്നാട്ടിലെ ജനങ്ങളൊക്കെ രാഷ്ട്രീയക്കാരുടെ തിരസ്കരണത്തോട് പഴകിപ്പോയിരിക്കുന്നു. ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ചോദിക്കുന്നവരുടെ വായ മൂടിക്കെട്ടപ്പെടുന്നു. അല്ലാത്ത പക്ഷം അവരെ ഏതേലും കുറ്റിക്കാടുകളില്‍ നിന്നും കണ്ടെടുക്കുന്നു ജഢമായി ... മാറ്റങ്ങള്‍ ഉണ്ടാവട്ടെ ... ഒരാളല്ലാതെ എല്ലാവരും ഭരണാധികാരികളോട് ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ചോദിക്കട്ടെ ... അവിടെ മാറ്റങ്ങളുണ്ടാവും ♥♥♥


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