Dated 21-08-2018

As we never forget the supporting pillars who are constantly helping to get back at our strong footing from this disastrous pace, well also keep noting the venom spitting mouthpieces of hatred. Spreading fake news with no shame; Stoop down in some cow dung as you always like it. !!!! This "chanakathalayan" from my college,  happened to be in my contact list,  despite spreading a fake news that says " Kerala man denies saffron life jacket and dies" he  is  now preaching in the college whatsapp group on how "neutral" the news is(I know! doesn't make any sense) ! Unfortunately some of them are all wrapped in cow dung and they seem to enjoy it. Like somebody already posted, Oh.Y'all !please, soon after cleaning this flood made mess,  lets also make the area cowdung free.


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