Let me take you to a regular scene in my house when men in the family get into a conversation, my sister and I being keen observers here, we literally wait for the very patriarchal, sexist, misogynistic, chauvinistic narratives brazed in Christian preaching oozing out from our male family members. We somehow sense this coming whatsoever the topic of the talk is. We grin each other and interrupt like this, “haaa there comes PP aka The Penis Power”. This is because this was the only method that shut their mouth. We had to constantly interrupt and remind that we are here to call it out.  And since the nun rape case broke and Franco Mullackal became the matter of hot discussion, in the initial stage of the case our Christian neighbours and relatives made reasons to visit and hold discussions at home for they know Franco Mullackal had been my father’s junior back then in seminary. Talks went on and on and every word aimed at the character scrutiny of the nun; the rape survivor.  P.C. George’s disgusting comments wouldn’t be a matter of shock if you listen carefully to your Christian achayan’s take on the issue.
 And now when the issue is in limelight without any tinge of ambiguity in who the oppressor is and who the oppressed, now there is mere passivity in the discussions. Some of my Christian family members are cozying up with Franco Mullackal like the state. Whilst when we discuss the danger of state’s love affairs with religious institutions, lest we forget that here believers are succumbing to the same. If you see the profiles of people who stand in solidarity with the protests of the nuns, these are journalists, activists, atheists, others outside the church, the ones who have learnt the issue. But where are the voices within? Where are Christians, church goers and believers? Franco Mullackal should be a clear threat to them for as he has directly assaulted their belief system. So where are they? Why is still some mum when their church faces danger in the hands of paedophiles and rapists? Why aren’t they angry?
For those waiting for facts and evidences, We cannot deny the fact that church has produced paedophiles; the reports from various corners of the world are chilling. The news reports on 300 + predator priests of pennyslyvania report being one latest to mention. The survivor’s reactions to the report say a lot:
“The word abuse get through ground, we are talking rapes!”
“My abuser said he can do whatever he wanted to do and I believed him, I was a child.”
They murdered something in me! Something in me died, everything I believed died.
“It appears that there is something in the DNA of the church that encourages this. An epidemic, a systemic issue.”
“Anger, frustration. I want to stand in the court and face my abuser, ask him ‘why did you do this to me? ‘, I believe his answer is gonna be: Because I can. “
And they all raised their hands when interviewer Nikki Batiste , CBS NEWS correspondent  asked how many of you think it’s still happening .
If Christians cant still understand what’s happening within and choose to follow the denial, ignorant pace, its then evident that they are at the sides of the oppressor, aren’t  they in love with Franco Mullackal?
I have attended catholic catechism classes from class 1 to class 12; and I perfectly understand how ‘Calling out’ of assaults, caste discrimination, Brahmanism and so on within the church were considered as outside forces against Christianity . To my personal view, church sermons that entitled almost everyone who does not fall for church as sinned were salt in my wounds especially when you are expected to find solace in the same. May be this encouragement of self doubt and self loathing is what is restricting Christians from taking a stand in any church scandal. But at this point; talks within the system are of utmost importance for much more reports might be brought to light with that genuine support.
 Christians who fail to respond just because a bishop is the villain here should understand these saviour narratives of priests does no good other than nurturing elitist, extravagant, luxurious lives of the clergy. Thus any neutral, ignorant, apathetic approach to this should be perceived a crime here. It’s time for believers to stop shhh ing their counterparts who are ready to be in solidarity with the protests urging justice to the nun. Let there be a proper understanding that these are not mere case files or reports for it involves people, their physical, mental health where this trauma follows their lives forever.
If you have watched the Oscar winning movie, Spotlight that sheds light on child molestation cases involving catholic priests all over the world, at the end of the movie the credits- cover gave a list of places across the globe from where molestation by priests has been reported and it has mentioned this only place from India which is Ollur, Kerala. The movie has brilliantly showcased the whole investigative journey of “The boston Globe”. The posted video here is an excerpt from the movie where one among the journo bursts in anger when confronted with stories of exploitation and assault by the priests. This ought to be the reaction for this is how serious it is. Call it out. 


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