And when he pulls ,he  doesn’t care whether the sun is harsh or the careless rains shower..All those snaps that flashes through him are about his innocent boys at home, he knew that this dirty notes which rich call Cash has so far not played any role in his half built abode..It would fill his boys stomach but could never wipe their dripping tears..

It’s easy for me to switch on my P.C ,feel that air conditioned ambience all around ,smell that tempting coffee with each word  I type ,be it about his miseries, be it about his hurdles ..Its just a very easy task for me to attempt a write up.. justify every moment that every job has its struggles to cross...but i bet this man has a long way crossed his struggles..And world sees him unsuccessful!!??That could be a wonderful joke because this rickshaw puller pulls his vehicle when the world rests with their dear ones, when its festival time in his colony he would be the only one who is miles far from his home ...and for this reason don’t call him unsuccessful as he is taking people a way too long in his rickshaw, drop them at their places wherein his home is far away, he knows that his small wage won’t meet his requirements..He is not even aware of the so called luxury which the world appraise...For him luxury is a day with zephyr and just zephyr..
His wife never prayed for a designer saree, she never wished to have a ride with her man on the best super sports bikes of the times..But she never forgets to plead to the good god for a little shade when her husband pulls the rickshaw with a load that has killed his health...She knew that her man has become meek and weak..she finds it funny when her neighbour go mad returning from office, cursing the weather for  she knew that her beloved one is in the plain and real weather still not cursing ...his kids want him near but  even that has become a far fetched dream for the family..
When those discount boards offer a 50% offer for each product in the market, it anyways doesn’t affect him...The owner of his rickshaw owns all amenities and luxury...he is still surprised why that man has to grab a max-portion of his day’s work...it’s high time for anyone in this city to take a days, an hour’s or just a few minutes break and watch his work..When he pedals the rickshaw, his family is living in its reel...And so he can’t stop pedaling it...I have traveled with him...He has dropped me home several times...each time he rose up and then firms his seat to pedal I could see him sweating ,his nerves so clear..And for people who thinks that he pedals for money I can prove them wrong because he never opened his fist and see that extra 10 rupees my father gave every time he drops him...So weak a man riding a vehicle not of his own...shocked I was when he said that rich people bring big luggage ..He laughs at himself murmuring “I am one of a kind, my shoulders aren’t broad anymore, my knees are made of wax, it melts under sun..I am that special man of lord because I have pulled and dropped many to their destinies...”

 Eradicate poverty, loan for the poor, subsidies and all those financial terms we praise off...The never implemented laws and provisions of the government...may be the ruling parties might have passed numerous offers for them but anyways they aren’t aware..A life out of these difficulties comes to them in sleep; when they dream...a day should come when their language will be widely accepted..A so live moment should come when their pains are deeply understood...Sympathy has become an easy word now...they don’t need a very easy term crown their tussling life...Instead they need to get things solved and that may empathize their state which is a better word apt...Keys on my keypad isn’t the cause of these imprints..It’s the pedals and rickshaw wheels...

Maybe he is still on road pedaling...May be his wife would be reciting prayers for that zephyr the nature can gift him...


  1. Felt as if you had cried through my eyes. Could read through with a lump in the throat.nice depiction of otherwise neglegted or taken to granted lives.Keep up the good work

  2. I could imagine & see all what she has written above in my eyes & it stays deep in my heart. A very nice depiction in beautiful lines.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Really Good.... Beautiful lines....

  6. Really Good.... Beautiful lines....

  7. This is very heart touching one


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