This would be the vision that every aspiring student would foresee about his/her country .It would be the most awaited period of the nation to elect a person, present their nation in his/her hands to nurture, permit him/her to carry their land ...I am not sure whether the total population of the country go excited about it, but anyways it’s the nature of the student population to always peep in those political spheres and realize what’s in the current affairs..How a leader handles issues! Could we expect a better political pace!!??And when the neutral analysts of the country states that the corruption isn’t removed but in fact its fluctuating with a hype in the stats...THAT’S where!!That’s where promises break, that’s when it gets tougher to convince people that “politics isn’t dirty” ....but it hasn’t given any new form of relief by the new ruling fragment that they have elected for...

Religion!! A very pure term for the devotees, a so harsh term for the atheists, A very well shaped tool for the leader...He/she has the power to shoot it to the people like a hero and create a sense of togetherness, teach them the right sense of oneness while other way he/she has the sole right to shoot it to his/her followers, like a villain... and curtail all those existing peace and harmony that the nation was once rich for..

Language is again a vital term...It is something that can be interpreted in a way, taken in another sense, and understood in quite a different manner...But promises aren’t!!!Promises are always interpreted, taken and understood in just a straight path...And when big talks don’t initiate any action...There you see the failure of a leader!! Maybe not a visible failure, but an invisible one in the hearts of many who are keen observers of their leader...Being accountable is another factor...When any leader has his/her people around eagerly ahead waiting him/her to speak ,.....there when  he/she has to speak and....... if he/she doesn’t ..That’s when a leader has his/her mouth zipped, making the country-politics stoop in shame! When he/she is suppose to monitor and lead the country’s no more a joke appraising about the never-implemented projects...When a student sees his/her leader shouting and not speaking, promising but never giving, claiming but never proving, the growing adroit learners of the country would look back and see what was he/she elected for and what is happening in the real go..

Economy; a term that’s mandatory for a student to cross in his commerce classes ,A word that nation juggles in every fraction of its execution...a word that  complete a country’s swiftness...A prime minister unaware of this word s owes a lump sum gratitude to his/her people who elected him/her ,in fact elected nothing!! Negligence towards macro economics by a student would bring  failure in his/her academic session while when a PM ignores the same matter that become absolute incongruous to his/her ruling land... When a leader fosters on tie-ups and links with different nations, it can be appreciated, but if these relations bring no good and in fact welcomes enmity and danger, then there one can assess where the leader’s influence stands...And to what level of disaster he/she is taking our country to...

Diplomacy, a so framed term, a delicate one, can revive and bring a set back to the existing instability of any status of the state, but when it isn’t handled the way it has to brings the reverse effects....If a leader wins with any mandate... he/she has to be obliged to the people who voted him/her.. when better explained in a student’s language ;it’s like, you elect   a class representative and he fails to accomplish the tasks that he/she was assigned to ...That anguish and disappointment you feel at your CR of the class, that frustration which we feel for the failure he /she has caused to our class..Is in short what happens broadly in a country...

”Irrespective of castes” NO!!!!Castes doesn’t exist to me...Irrespective of race!!Again a NO.!Because race is a word that should never exist...only when these exists there can be chaos...So take it out of the narrow mindsets and let it take shape in its pure form...Where harmony, love, brotherhood, oneness becomes no more rare in the nation......bringing a soothing ZEPHYR to the nation..


  1. Though a neutral and unbiased account of the expectation of a young citizen ,this is very relevant in today's scenario. Only wish our leaders live up to this expectation. I do understand the anxiety clearly penned and the young generation should be aware of them as they are the future leaders. Great.


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