Today...That is 13th of October was quite a casual day for me...May be a day that was little more thought provoking than usual...I often do not get into discussions in my classes in college .it’s not because I am ignorant towards the issues that are discussed ..Its just that I never felt I could hear sensible comments ,be it in support ,be it  against... from my class...It’s kind of ....say: if the topic is on women empowerment..What goes on in my class is a boys v/s girls I am like...”it’s better I talk less here”...and I always talk less there...I am on definite silence...

But questions often leave me restless...And today in my morning lecture my teacher raised a question...he asked “should prostitution be legalized??”...and then answers  popped was like “it should be legalized because it is where women’s power is portrayed in the true spirit”....many  similar answers about the power of women in different languages came up...I wanted to get up and tell them what  does the true meaning of a women means.....  Forget   about legalization about prostitution..??Has prostitution become so in common and abundance that a time has reached when it has to be legalized..???So, to sell and buy human body, we get a license! So it’s like... beef can be banned!!Not prostitution! To slaughter an animal is a crime..!.. But you burn her hands and belly with cigarettes; that has to be legalized..!! countries where prostitution was legalized have not shown any reduction in the crime fact in such countries even children are pushed into the same arenas of it not time to resolve the issues of women pushed into prostitution rather than shouting in unison for legalization which is a term far ahead to give a thought on..

Meaning of sex is not thoroughly pleasure...pleasure is a part of’s made for men and women to indulge their body and mind to it so as to produce the next’s to populate our human kind...the interpretations and justifications given to legalize prostitution is that “it’s for that person who is not satisfied in his sex life” hereby we know  that prostitution means offering women as an instrument to the one who buys her...many come up with statements like “it’s a victimless crime”..Knowing the fact that these women are offered to men who is unknown to her... may be sadists, may be violent...these who are in quench for sex no way act polite to on what ways we are coming up with  statements that by legalizing we protect them..By remaining as a prostitute she is already in hurdle...Legalizing is one way fostering the notion that use her as an instrument..

Why can’t it be stopped? Why can’t it be just ceased..?.Why should campaigns on protection of prostitutes come up...Why can’t measures to erase it as a whole and steps to bring her life to the positive zenith be carried is believed by a set of society that rise on crime level, rapes and other violence would be reduced if prostitution is legalized..So is a woman’s body the only solution to bring down crime level..... Is her body that less holy????...or is woman less human...???

Perhaps the students who gave supporting statements did not go deeper or could not understand the implication but the substantiating statements actually brought a chill through my spine. The law gives so much care to take care of individual liberty that consensual sex is not illegal. But if the same we read with marriages, morality may differ as per religious, social and cultural backgrounds. But the law is explicit. But sex selling as a product has to be condemned. ...


  1. ഇതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് ദീര്‍ഘമായ ഒരു ചര്‍ച്ച ആരോടും നടത്താന്‍ എനിക്കും താല്‍പര്യമില്ല. അവസാനം നമ്മുടെ വാക്കുകളെത്തന്നെ മറ്റുള്ളവര്‍ വളച്ചൊടിക്കും ... നിശബ്ദമായിരിക്കുന്നു അത്രമാത്രം ♥♥♥


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