15th January 2019

Hi y'all,  so,

In the initial stages of my diagnosis, my doctor after analysing the results of the CB-NAAT, declared me having MDR TB. It did not shock me since I desperately wanted answers to my unstoppable coughing , vomiting, anxieties and everything that I hated. At last there was an answer.

Having massive trust in modern medication I convinced my family that all the prescribed  daily injections are okay and oral pills are fine. I was mentally well prepared.

But when it started , in the second month I went to a pace of complete denial. No fact findings , nor medical jargons made sense to me. I kept questioning doctors for putting me in such a mess which they called treatment.  Most of the afflictions were drug induced.Whenever in senses, I started looking for more details about people who have faced similar phase in life. I found some brave hearts. I have completed three months of medication due to the support of these faces( with whom I am in constant communication ) .

What I want now is the very nuanced detailing of what happens throughout the treatment. So I keep stalking every profile associated with TB on social media sites, I found a lot gems. but still looking for a stage by stage account of treatment progression testimony. Like, developments in each month and how to tackle; raw and unedited,not the ones by news portals.

With my little duration of experience so far I can categorically state that, the trauma and suffering that comes with this treatment of MDR TB is never researched enough nor politically taken up seriously as human faces of concern. So I wanted to keep an account of it, for my learning about the plight of this treatment.

There had been very ambiguous msgs pouring into my inbox seeking answers to why I have to make my timeline look too grim with these personal medical posts.
But Its only real, its  coz if any other person going through the same feels stigmatised, unwanted, self loathe and cries all night thinking "I am d only one drowning in this", I only want to tell that person, you are not the only one.,see what I am going through each month,here it is..I have been open about it, if that helps you vent it out, yola!!! We are in this together.Lets fight it together!!!


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