
Showing posts from March, 2016


Scribbling about a genre which is rich ,complex ,complicated, with a lengthy and royal history is clearly a tough when I mean " a soothing genre parallel cinema " let me make it more precise that I haven't planned to cut, copy ,paste any historic evidence about parallel movies...this thought to blog about parallel movie genres sparked me when I was seated compulsorily to watch a Hindi movie the 'silent waters' in innovative journalism practical classes.... The motto of the practical class was to analyse the pace of how a parallel movie goes ...and being a very keen be honest I love this genre,.,,the moment I confess this truth..people call me old fashioned ,inactive ,passive and moreover title me as a person who is never joyous...but I find this kind interesting for its educative and thought provoking the rest factors comes second to me.. Parallel as we see the denotative meaning is anything occurring in similar way...


Audio project on journalism duties v/s humanity.....!!!! Listeners ...Welcome to The Campus tunes crew organized audio channel fostering on "JOURNALISM; A SERVICE????"....... Presenting you the very novel genre of the day a ,thought provoking session....on" HUMANITY,or DUTY OF JOURNALISTS??????" (Here an audio clip of the piece to camera of a journalist is inserted ,the script of the same is as following:) ********Reporter: Right now I am standing near a pool of blood and is sorry for being a medium to pass on this disheartening news to all...people are dying,ambulances rush,bodies are piled up and my heart is trembling still no option other than report to you about this distressing instance...the only solace that pacifies my eyes and mind are the act of humanities showered by this sets of journalists who had two options to deal this disaster with...... and those were: to close an eye at the people falling dead .........otherwise be a strong pil


#design and graphics #design tool *******These are the images of my very first attempt of creating a virtual set in 3ds Max...(referred from existing set photographs) Though drawing, software handling and non linear editing are three different spheres..I have stuck these three together now...and that was quite a far fetched dream for me..I am a person who was interested in non linear editing only, when it comes to matters other than writing.... The only doodling works I attempted was behind the notebooks of mine and that too during maths classes when I was in school...a sad emoticon with springs and blurbs popped out of a head(my head obviously) was the only picture I preferred during mathematics classes..The more arithmetical and algebraic calculations.... hence proved the more mad my doodling that's my school art works...the perfect drawing of an amoeba, the imperfect' shuppandi' drawings(a cartoon character which I found easy to


Advertisement is something that we all are well aware of...professionals in this stream would know every fragment of it..consumers would have their interpretations of the same..opinion leaders would come up with their definitions added with few elements already said by great thinkers...there are many modes to reach to the public ..normally I would love to say "ethical modes" to disseminate your content to the public...what sparked me on ad regard is the thought that "if you are quite sure about the truthfulness in your advertisement" ...then ad is a sincere reminder... And so have I made quite a short Ad..( ads are normally short but there are several types of ads following different time slots)..when you describe something in a likely form that can fascinate people keeping truth becomes a perfect ad in my view... Herein let me present you the model of an ad...its about the southern state in India;Kerala..the place from where I belong to..and so i




A presentation concerning the online system followed in my campus to make the syllabus e-system where you upload and send your assignments from your accounts to teacher's account... This is the area selected by me when a mini research was demanded to present by our teacher... SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONCERNS OF LIVING IN THE COSMOPOLITAN CAMPUS, LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY THE SEGMENT SELECTED: UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (UMS) The presentation comprised of views regarding the social, cultural, psychological factors of living in the cosmopolitan campus, LPU. The idea behind the assignment was to analyse the socializing, cultural integration and psychological concerns that one experience from the college. As per the segment selected  a study on the same with regard of the subject was carried out. This work helped me learn the university management system that is UMS and how it helps in social, cultural unification and personal, psycholog


This script is concerning the importance of reading and value of books..Its a matter that has to be taken utmost care in this advancing scenario where books are alienated atleast by some... ---- social message to create awareness on the same is presented here... Its written in the form of an ad. And the audio version of the same is uploaded on soundcloud...  follow this link to listen the same... Scripted and presented by: ATHIRA ELSSA JOHNSON                                                          JOVIAL READING “A very cool hello to my dear listeners Set your ears for this creative slot with Elssa John.” Guys and gals Imagine A strong refreshing coffee in hand Cool zephyr around Whispering leaves Chirping birds, a few perched on the woods near you Blissful   nature. Pleasant  you. And this is the scene, and whom do you think is the protagonist of this sequence???? Of course it’s not you!!!!


RADIO SCRIPT #titled campus tunes #campus news    SCRIPTED AND PRESENTED BY: ATHIRA ELSSA JOHNSON ON MIC ON     :8th February 2016 STUDIO           :Lovely Professional University ,jalandhar,India                           Campus studio                             GENRE           : Campus News                                                                                                              TItle:CAMPUS TUNES "Good Morning Listeners ,A very cool hello to all from RJ Elssa!.......and ..;you are listening to.........CAMPUS TUNES!!" Its time for your very own pinch of excitement,ideas, fun and chatter moments!! The Climate around is just soothing and weather shows a twist from the wintry pace to a little sun-ray offerings... SO guys and gals...sit back and get ready for the full fledged jovial slot of an exclusive bunch of events of our very own campus BJMC block 20 of the 600 acres vast LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY.....