Audio project on journalism duties v/s humanity.....!!!!

Listeners ...Welcome to The Campus tunes crew organized audio channel fostering on

Presenting you the very novel genre of the day a ,thought provoking session....on" HUMANITY,or DUTY OF JOURNALISTS??????"

(Here an audio clip of the piece to camera of a journalist is inserted ,the script of the same is as following:)
********Reporter: Right now I am standing near a pool of blood and is sorry for being a medium to pass on this disheartening news to all...people are dying,ambulances rush,bodies are piled up and my heart is trembling still no option other than report to you about this distressing instance...the only solace that pacifies my eyes and mind are the act of humanities showered by this sets of journalists who had two options to deal this disaster with...... and those were: to close an eye at the people falling dead .........otherwise be a strong pillar to the people falling not bothering about anything including their deadline to submit news...and they .........chose the latter..."***************************

The audio clip that you listened right now is that of an incident where a media crew was involved totally into the rescuing team.....The agenda why this clip is mentioned here which is vague(without mentioning about date,issue and five W's and 1'h) but thought provoking...... is a matter that we would like to discuss because its quite a doubtful issue when it comes to ethics,humanity,power and duty.....

Should journalists focus on "reporting duties" closing an eye at the prevailing issues concerning humanity.......

If you a journalist....see people dying in front,would you carry a mic on hand and report or lend a hand to the one falling...

The answer is the clip played.....

You hold a mic but lend another hand to the one falling that humanity goes hand in hand with duty...

Presented by CAMPUS TUNES
                      ELSSA JOHN


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