Scribbling about a genre which is rich ,complex ,complicated, with a lengthy and royal history is clearly a tough task..so when I mean " a soothing genre parallel cinema " let me make it more precise that I haven't planned to cut, copy ,paste any historic evidence about parallel movies...this thought to blog about parallel movie genres sparked me when I was seated compulsorily to watch a Hindi movie the 'silent waters' in innovative journalism practical classes....The motto of the practical class was to analyse the pace of how a parallel movie goes ...and being a very keen observer..to be honest I love this genre,.,,the moment I confess this truth..people call me old fashioned ,inactive ,passive and moreover title me as a person who is never joyous...but I find this kind interesting for its educative and thought provoking nature...so the rest factors comes second to me..

Parallel as we see the denotative meaning is anything occurring in similar way...it implies the same for parallel movies too..its just that its been represented by a set of actors via a film crew.
I always switch on a parallel movie when I think I need a message to be carved in heart...whenever I feel I am all set to learn something today...I watch a parallel movie..celluloid is one such movie in malayalam that is very educative in nature..this movie is something to be inserted in the folder  of  any journalism or film student as a study material....

Why this genre was a topic of discussion in innovative journalism classes of my course is as the name suggests ; for its novel nature..its innovative in nature because it is a kind of film style that have many fragments of genres in itself...if you see the trend of parallel cinema..the more number of films you watch...the more topics and subjects you be well versed to talk ,think and analyse about....


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