The fourteen acres widespread SSSMILE village, situated inVettikuzhy, Thrissur, is a solace for the homeless, downtrodden and those needy people deprived of any facilities and amenities that life offers. A  building become a home with the presence of  mother, father and siblings, when this bond becomes a far-fetched dream for any; Sssmile Village gifts that comfort. Unlike any other typical  charity home where the occupants live in a confined atmosphere, Sssmile Village is breaking all those barriers for its homely structure.

This "Sacred Scriptures Social message into Living Experience" , Village is special due to its structure, design and working process, which shed light on seven houses constituting people of all age groups, religion, irrespective of any other discrimination.

Father Antony Plackal, the director and founder of Sssmile village recalls the commencement of this project in the year 2000 with just one family and a house. Its been his vision to establish an atmosphere where selfless working of many hearts lead to the happiness and smiles of many. Today its expanding with the help of a lot helping hands and donations.

The assistant priest of Sssmile Village, Father Jomon says, "We cannot let the homeless wander around jus because they can't afford a home; let them stay here, Its the circumstances that make a man anti-social and if we make an effort to create a healthy ambience, this can be controlled; Sssmile village offers the same. " Father Jomon worked for Sssmile village in his early priesthood and later left the job as he was transferred elsewhere. Today he is recruited again in the same post and thinks its his greatest achievement. "I left this place in 2003 and in 2016 when I am back I found that many of the members of Sssmile village still remembers me,despite of their health and mental problems, this is why I believe love is beyond anything."

Sister Mary Paul the Co-ordinator and all in all of the Village has been working for Sssmile village since 16years. She explains about the area like this : "As the name implies it is a village with seven houses ,like any other houses out there, even Sssmile houses has got its members who are of different age groups so that they get a family". She recollects the times when she walked on the streets asking for the commodities like clothes, stationary items and other necessities to gratify the Sssmile villagers. She thinks from that state till today its been a struggle; but at the end of the day ;heart whispers that for the poorest of the poor this means everything.

Daisy, Masters in Social working; works here to file the details of the members in the Village.  And also every house has its co-ordinator nuns to help. "Some of the occupants are bed ridden and when the co-ordinators and well-wishers look after them like their own family,living with them, it makes any one teary-eyed , "comments Mary Johnson ,a visitor of Sssmile Village. The Village is looking forward to sponsors as to offer education to students. There is a tiny tot among the occupants of Sssmile Village who is six years old. Priya Vinay who worked as a social worker in the Sssmile Village mentions, "Its a soothing place, every house has a name, every house has mother, father, sons, daughters, just like a family; being in that place and helping them is like experiencing the real meaning of life thats been succumbed in this busy world. "Bounded with gardens, fences for every house, wells, poultry, makes the members busy with their household chores.
"Our sons and daughters have proved their mettle in different fields; many of them have settled with fine jobs; educated and good by heart", concluded Sister Mary paul of Sssmile Village, with a relieving sigh.



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