
A news portal class task. Well it started of as a vocabulary game. Teacher would suggest a word and students were asked to write a stanza on it. The word given here was BUS. after the completion of one stanza the word would be changed to something that has no possible connection to the first word. And making that connection is the writer's job. The first word is BUS and second one is LOVE .

"She was the prettiest of them all. Among the crowd of the gaily looking, dashing ones, she was picked for her little imperfections. She was slow and people giggled, a few loved her for the same so she wasn't down. She held herself back when the arrogant busy world passes, she knew the more patient she is, the more she' ll live. She remembers her friend being battered, thrashed and killed; of course he was reckless, he could have been slow but determined like her. He could have waited for the needy. When the old man on road waved at him, he rolled over him ; making a disaster, and so was he killed. She lost her companion. To all the sophisticated furious vehicle friends of hers, she pleads " DO MOVE ON A SLOWER PACE; WORLD DESERVES MORE LIVES".

Past was a villain phase for her. She remembers being chased and controlled by discourteous human who is supposed to be her care taker. She cribs every day and night coughing. She choked out of dust and dirt that he littered. And came this person; her rescuer, her soul. He drove her in harmony, her life met a joyous track. Crowned with peace, Men called him DRIVER, She called him LOVE."


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