Its her body...!!!! And she is weeping all night thinking about it ...!!!!

Kerb crawling, Brothels ,pimping and pandering and what more exists in the world to prove that the human body is more like an instrument in the hands of those with handful money or the ones in quench for the same. Absurd it is to raise the idea that decriminalizing sex workers will bring down crimes. In that case why is the countries that has legalized prostitution still in chaos with a high crime rate.??

Forget   about legalization ...how about prostitution..??Has prostitution become so in common and abundance that a time has reached when it has to be legalized..???So, to sell and buy human body, we get a license! it’s like... beef can be banned!!Not prostitution! To slaughter an animal is a crime..!.. But you burn her hands and belly with cigarettes; that has to be legalized..!!..in countries where prostitution was legalized have not shown any reduction in the crime levels...in fact in such countries even children are pushed into the same arenas of prostitution.....is it not time to resolve the issues of women pushed into prostitution rather than shouting in unison for legalization which is a term far ahead to give a thought on..

Meaning of sex is not thoroughly pleasure...pleasure is a part of sex...it’s made for men and women to indulge their body and mind to it so as to produce the next generations...it’s to populate our human kind...the interpretations and justifications given to legalize prostitution is that “it’s for that person who is not satisfied in his sex life”..so hereby we know  that prostitution means offering women as an instrument to the one who buys her...many come up with statements like “it’s a victim-less crime”..Knowing the fact that these women are offered to men who is unknown to her... may be sadists, may be violent...these who are in quench for sex no way act polite to women...so on what ways we are coming up with  statements that by legalizing we protect them..By remaining as a prostitute she is already in hurdle...Legalizing is one way fostering the notion that use her as an instrument..

Why can’t it be stopped? Why can’t it be just ceased..?why should campaigns on protection of prostitutes come up...Why can’t measures to erase it as a whole and steps to bring her life to the positive zenith be carried out...it is believed by a set of society that rise on crime level, rapes and other violence would be reduced if prostitution is legalized..So is a woman’s body the only solution to bring down crime level..... Is her body that less holy????...or is woman less human...???

 The law gives so much care to take care of individual liberty that consensual sex is not illegal. But if the same we read with marriages, morality may differ as per religious, social and cultural backgrounds. But the law is explicit. But sex selling as a product has to be condemned. ...
 Now when idiotic points like : "what if she likes being a prostitute"..comes to your mind ,you should hear her story.  

The heads those fight for women rights during the day become thirsty for sex at night, groan violent  at her ,make her drink that bitter liquor, gives her cigarette marks as gifts, kills the woman in her. The human trafficking pace is still on a high rate and how could someone even imagine of legalizing prostitution.  We should go far far away from prostitution that  leads to a situation where the debate  should be over the topic. Lets talk about human rights, betterment of people and not legalizing something that burns  humanity into ashes.

For Infertility should not kill your love for life..

Surrogacy; A term that will be  revolving in an infertile couple's mind. The Commercial surrogacy where the woman gets a fee for giving birth for another person; is illegal/legal depending upon the country. Being a person who has not so far gone through the sentiments of a man or woman wanting a child but cant give birth actually lags my fingers back from the keypad to type. But have heard and known many lives for whom a child has lighten their world. I can thoroughly say that a child is what a married couple deserve and love. 

Anything more isn't required to explain the idea of  surrogacy when a person is ready to give birth to a baby to be gifted to a person whom she has committed her contract to. But there has been cases reportedly that suggested the ban of surrogacy due to false claims, exploitation, fake contracts and a lot money games. Well, a strict law should be the fence.


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