Coz I worked hard for this mess.

I chopped of my hair with a scissor not so sharp
Last month wen I ws sick, wen I lost my mind to medicines
There was immense pain I cudnt bear so I cut my hair myself
Locked myself in so Amma didn't know wat ws goin on
There was hair everywhere in the room and I ws fed up hiding it
It ws falling every now and then and I wanted to get rid of it
So I chopped it with the rusty scissor I had.
I remember it ws terriblly done.
I thought, for someone staying back for long an irregular haircut is not so big a deal.
A mess, but I worked hard for this mess
I bend my arms to reach my hair, the stretch cringed me in pain
It ws pure hard work, so.i.posted my work online
There wer surprises that praised my new haircut,
Had they known the details, the fault would have been visible
The wonder fact is I didn't have to hide the details
It ws imperfect worthy to be welcomed
It wasn't a mistake, but my mess ws pure hardwork.


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