You. My man from the internet.

Hey, man from the internet
Stranger whom I should be scared of
My cyber love, why not ur romance is praised
How come u are scrutinized without reasons
And yet you make me write poems
You could be someone boring
May be you are also someone left out
You could also be fun filled
You could be a vigorous lover
Why am I meant to be afraid
Why do I have to be scared
Do you realize how frightful this is
How dreadful your kindness is
For you, I am willfully hiding my anxieties
There is a mess swept under the rug
I am afraid you might find that one day,
And I will be shrunken to a mad lady
To someone hunting kind souls
I dnt want to be a hunter, coz then you will look like the prey
Your unkind clan will dance to that tunes
My herd will then cry their hearts out
Young man from the internet, my fear is real.


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