This healthcare revolution seeks our solidarity.

A note from an MDR TB patient, On: why the petition filed by drug resistant TB survivors deserves full on support and solidarity.

We are witnessing a vital step taken by the drug resistant Tb survivors, challenging the massive monopoly of the pharma giant Johnson and Johnson, regarding the patent extension of the vital drug in treating MDR-TB.

This huge step is initiated by two TB warriors who have battled and won the traumatizing treatment of drug resistant TB .The petition is filed by Nandita Venkitesan  from India and Phumeza Tisile from South Africa. This could be a wakeup call for all of us to look into the troublesome period that TB patients across the world go through. The fact that anyone out there who is breathing is prone to tuberculosis is sad but a bitter truth. The ending of TB, supporting the endeavours that helps in eliminating TB, fight against stigmatising the same etc..require support of all of us. It shouldn’t be a subject left to people related to the disease alone, for the very fact that we all breathe the same air.

The very root of capitalism and corporate takeover of healthcare is the first and foremost affair that needs to be discoursed. When medicines are supposed to be our saving grace ,or in simpler words ; when there are means to prevent people from dying ,why does it become difficult for many of us to be get a proper access to it?. It’s high time we realize that we are all someway or the other victims to this sad state of healthcare looting.
Nandita Venkitesan and Phumeza are two bravehearts who took the matter to the mainstream, they didn’t choose to remain silent about their fight, infact they extended it to a level that gave patients like me, hope and will to annihilate health hazards.

Every time I try to document the treatment phases I recollect the trauma so as to provide references and material for anybody out there struggling to cope with the same. For me, it took the inhalation of dangerous bacteria to understand the depth of the issue. It’s a serious health condition that affects one mentally and physically, when physical pain and depression come along with the treatment it’s the need of the hour to invest more on better treatment developments.

By investment, I mean consideration of the subject in every administrative level. For TB is a danger with other related issues attached along, the immunity of the person is assured with access to food, making poverty alleviation an urgent need. Health monitoring, patient centric healthcare system, mental health and drug induced afflictions are some of the many issues that yearns attention. The tentacles of Tuberculosis are numerous therefore making the system’s responsibility in backing up patients very essential.

The perilous state that a TB patient goes through pushes the person into a state of numbness and chaos that might not let them rally up against the cause every time, and yet there are courageous souls like Nandita and Phumeza heading the motto for a healthy future. Therefore this is our very moment to preserve these voices, work hand in hand with these efforts to make it to the pinnacle of a healthy tomorrow. This is why this very initiation of a healthcare revolution seeks our solidarity.

Feb 11th 2019


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