It's okay to feel this way.

I might know why you are sad
I know why you think there's little time to act
I know why you feel like you aren't working enough
I am also aware that some days you curse yourself for resting too much
You do not know what to write
Though they say write what you feel, you do not know how you feel
Another person told you its normal and you find it cliche
You wish to film the best laughter, the ugly cries and some original stories
Despite being equipped you think it's complex to handle
Inspite knowing techniques you need closure from things you don't know.
You miss people whom you haven't met
You yearn to film stories not told yet.
You wish to write, to voice, to scream
To run, to travel, to laugh, to fall in loving arms, to cuddle, to love, to kiss
I know why you feel this way, I guess you might be restless that you feel this way. But trust me, in this hustle, you feel human. And it matters. Love. It's okay to feel this way.


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