To live more.

When you reach a point of going any far just to survive long
Not for a vacation, not a celebration, not even a normal rest
But just to sustain more, to live,  that's when memories spiral
That's also when your head stay firm and realize how delicate every part of our body is
Despite having many layers ;our skin tear, in spite of those membranes; we get heartaches
This is when you realize how fragile human mind is, how we could breakdown with just a little too much pressure
When it stops, it's gone. Then the person becomes invisible.
The idea of presence doesn't occur here
But hatred stays, insensitive it is, destructive it is
That is when I want you to sow some seeds of love
Without any frowns, too many hugs and smiles
That is when ur presence is appreciated,
Gone but remembered they say, not forgotten they say
But their art excludes us, they own politics, they build the power
Sensitive minds are laughed at, offending and violent  they create a new normal
Let your head find space for us, Here in this world we lose our minds and go too far
Gulp all the pills the market offers, not for a vacation, not for celebrations, not even a normal rest. Just to live more.


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