After some two months or so approx I would bore the person and the person leaves; thats my usual friendship pattern. But its been different with pavam Sneha and rebel who stay despite me being awkward and grumpy all the time.
 Aswin D Rebel and Sneha Sn are the ones to whom I have taken out all of my emotions to and I am not sure how many times I have lashed out at them. After every angry scene I would check on their accounts to see whether I am blocked but they only send memes,  make stickers and act weird so its always super comfortable with these two. Yesterday they brought these beautiful flowers (actually saplings that I later planted) and a lovely cake ! 
At 12am my parents wished me with some cupcakes, my sister made a photowall for me and people whom I have huge respect for, whom I thought might not even know I even existed wished me love in such difficult times,  yesterday was good that I am taking printouts of these pictures, wishes, messages etc and saving it.


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