Culture test 2019

November2019. There is the culture test that happens every month and we wait eagerly to know whether it's a positive or negative. I wait every month to see if any of the doses will be reduced or changed coz ughhh those pills! I throw up by the very sight of it. The very thought about it, is pukish.  The previous regimen had it worse, the one called ethinomide or so(the drug was later changed as I was intolerable to it) it was yellow and made me hate everything in yellow or a similar tint. There is another one in brown, now I hate chocolate, colour maroon and dark red. Then many of the white pills and yeah some coloured granules to gulp too. The treatment is hard on various levels and nothing's really colourful about what everyone call as healing. It's somehow finishing the regimen/course and being tb free coz that's the only option.


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