20th February 2016 .This Saturday began with the innovative journalism classes .

A subject implemented to sharpen every minute novel element that revolves around. Analyzing tweets,Posting audio projects on Sound Cloud,Comparative analysis of online newspapers like Huffington post,First post etc..case study on media houses like BBC and the video projects.One very important subject that chisels the innovative segment in us.

One feature that makes this subject distinct is that even the tasks given indoors are quite interesting.One such activity that took happened on 20th feb is "to distinguish between VIMEO AND YOUTUBE" .

To be very frank its the first time I hear this term "VIMEO" when my teacher Ms.Neha Dhingra briefed about the same I got to know that its another stream like YOUTUBE. And our task was to analyse the differences, similarities,merits and demerits of a stream which I am well aware of another one which I have very less idea about.

All I had to do was go to the browser and check out these two streams.One very helpless thing about YOUTUBE is that it magnetize you..it pulls us to its options..its like" see..these are the recommended movies for you..watch watch!" and you become like a little "know less about the world" kid and opens up each options and add up many more recommendations so that means ..yes!let me deduce that its quantitative in nature with alot videos piled up .......well,this is not what VIMEO gives you.....its more selective and qualitative in nature.It has its "Staff Picks" ,stats ,recent activities etc...

The task bar of VIMEO consists of 'My feed','My Videos','Discover','Activities'.
The divisions and subdivisions consisting- CREATE:View stats,organize videos,sell videos,video school,cameo_WATCH:staff picks,categories,channels,groups,Apps_ON DEMAND:Whats new,Discover,Genres,Start selling.......so this is it! the VIMEO as a whole..And about ads...Both VIMEO and YOUTUBE is not short of ads.

YOUTUBE is one very relied source ..specially in our innovative classes..references column is specially designed for YOUTUBE in  our projects..as the more videos you watch the more you get to know atleast that "this idea is outdated ,that idea is already on youtube "etc etc assumptions......on Youtube we have task bar options with recommended videos,channels,trending videos and subsription options ...

YOUTUBE AND VIMEO is like the first and second child of any frequent internet user.Neither YOUTUBE or VIMEO would be rated first as both has its unique features as stated...but then you go partial at times ...love fluctuates with the buffering speed..!!!!!!!


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