DESIGN HUB_RADIO SCRIPT........!!!!!!!!!!



A full fledged script of the morning slot programme DESIGN HUB to be inserted in the TENOR TUNES PACKAGE

                                                        RADIO SCRIPT -04/05/06

TITLE:  Design Hub
GENRE: Infotainment
VENUE: Studio, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab
SLOT: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
ON MIC: Elssa John
SCRIPTED BY: Athira Elssa Johnson

Beginning with <jingle1 of the Channel>
                                                “Tunes to brighten
                                                 “Tunes to lighten
                                                  Tunes of infotainment”       TENOR TUNES 94.4FM
Following with a continuous background music of <Yanni flight of fantasy>

RJ-ELSSA JOHN:  Good morning....!!!and welcoming you all to your regular pinch of excitement, enthusiasm, power and are on morning slot of TENOR TUNES 94.4FM with Elssa John bringing you novel ideas on your one and only designs update programme” DESIGN HUB”
<jingle2 of the programme played>  “THE JOVIAL HUB
                                                                     THE JOLLY  HUT          
                                                                                             DESIGN HUB “

As you know our show is about digging out every new design element from movies ,Tollywood ,Bollywood ,Hollywood, Mollywood,Pollywood and much cheery fellows do set your ears for this relaxing segment wherein I would let you know about the very recent fashion and design from one of the recent ,latest film!!!!!!! ,what, how and with who...are the questions that would be answered  slowly and steadily by  ELSSA JOHN on DESIGN HUB,TENOR TUNES 94.4FM

<jingle2 of the programme played
<Yanni flight of fantasy is played throughout>

My dear guys and gals out there....!!!You would be wondering on what novel and new concept is coming up in this very power pact slot of DESIGN HUB......let me give a full stop to all your little silly doubts by introducing the one and only thought provoking idea of today “THE STREET STYLE”.....! No...! Not again with my boring lecture on the same but let’s listen this soothing compilation from the album VINTAGE STORIES  and be back sooooooon!!!!!
<Fade in audio track and fade out the song><song from VINTAGE STORIES, Album>

AUDIO TRACK again :< background score: Yanni Flight of Fantasy>
RJ ELSSA JOHN: My lovely pals......!!!!!!Stay firm on your one and only DESIGN HUB on TENOR TUNES 94.4Fm with ELSSA JOHN filled with much more pomp and vigour.....!!!...... might have now got the gist of the package I am hereby planning to showcase....Yes STREET STYLE plus the song from Vintage Stories ....!!!Yes!!!! guys are going to listen a bunch on moulding your street smartness with our awaiting, aspiring and dashing Street Style artist ...Now you know what...!!!wanna listen who????But before that you will have to listen to this enchanting work from the Album ‘Vignette’......

<Song from Album VIGNETTE played><Fade in the audio and fade out the song vice versa at the end of the song>

 Fellows....!!!!!My dearest of the dearest chaps...!!!My nicest of the nicest people out there...!!! Its Elssa John back again with DESIGN HUB on TENOR TUNES 94.4FM ...and here is the ultra-surprise of the day Mr.Clement ,the popular n wonderful street style artist cum film set designer cum freelancer in sand art, mime organizer ,event managing co ordiantor and what not ..!! An Inevitable personality in the media field. Most of the films released recently have this man’s handwork specialty on those beautiful sets ......And.....

GUEST (CLEMENT) : <this part is mostly on the spot, but have just scripted them for convenience>..ohhhh..ohhhhh...Thank you so much Elssa...guess this is more than nice...all going good with god’s grace...till now

RJ ELSSA JOHN : That’s sweet..and welcome to our show Clement...

GUEST(CLEMENT):  Thank you...thank you so much ...

RJ ELSSA JOHN: so very well straight to the topic,...I am gonna shoot these many questions as per my listeners choice on your charming works...and Clement...till now we we were listening to your songs beautified with your set designs..So the warm up is already done.....

GUEST (CLEMENT) :woow!!! That means you are all set...!!!!!!!!

RJ ELSSA JOHN: very let me start with your first work...I listeners are keen to know the behind the set matters of your very initial work...

GUEST ( CLEMENT): As you know for every artist or poet or whoever..even a teacher the very first task is the most memorable one ...for me too that’s the fact...!!My first work....... for the movie “DRAGONFLY” The ambiance was pretty much like a family in the set..with a crew of 110 personnels specially for the street art style.

RJ ELSSA JOHN: all those amazing works were so like pre-planned and prepared..

GUEST (CLEMENT): Yes.....Every nuances of it is the dedication of many brains and minds.

RJ ELSSA JOHN: Our listeners would be curious to know about the scope of your career..The need and value of street style..please if  could elaborate.....

GUSET (CLEMENT):ohh..Sure..Street style is mixture of many arts... be it graffiti, scroll painting ,street painting ,sand art, beach art...etc etc..Wherever we get an audience a steet artist can just shine the’s pretty fun to be a street artist..And the way people react to art is sometimes just WOOOOWWWW!!!!The responses from the viewers keep our tiring hands rise up again and gain the spirit of art...

RJ ELSSA JOHN: Oh my god...My love for street art works have increased to a very great level, Clement....I admire your passion.....sooooooo with this same energy let’s get set for the next smooth song from the album “SNAPS” yes the same one  we were talking about...check it out!!!

<Song from SNAPS Album Played>

RJ ELSSA JOHN: My beautiful pals....Its Elssa John on Design Hub the design update slot of TENOR TUNES with our Amazing talent just refresh us about your plans on this venture.

GUEST(CLEMENT): Nothing....!!!!

RJ ELSSA: waaaah....What!!!???Seriously???? Clement..???.

GUEST: Oh nooo...NO preparations, No predictions and plans are NIL....just watch them through my upcoming Albums, songs and movies..

RJ ELSSA JOHN: That was a pretty better way to wind up...You are a gem..Keep shing CLEMENT.
Guys and gals tooooo...Keep shining..Keep glittering..Keep giggling..but only with me on DESIGN HUB...your fantabulous infotainment programme with RJ ELSSA JOHN on TENOR TUNES 94.4FM..With much more creative ideas on the next slot..Till then...its a hi-fi ..with a song from the album “ALBATROSE, a wonderful song compilation”....relax ,chill and grab our love!
<Jingle2 of Programme at (end of the program)>
******The channel name,song names,characters are all fictions*****

                                         THE END


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