ON GONZO JOURNALISM_05-05-2016

Good morning listeners ,you are listening to TENOR TUNES 94.4FM. This is RJ ELSSA JOHN.....Welcoming you to yet another fragment of our programme "JOURNO IDEAS".

The climate is burning hot and the sun-rays are peeping inside through the studio windows...

But guys and gals lets not let rays and noise distract our JOURNO IDEA hold on to listen this very up to the minute segment of TENOR TUNES 94.4FM with Elssa John....

And today the curtain rises for this crispy sounding novel genre "GONZO JOURNALISM"
So...My people out there set your ears to grab this chance of attaining novel terms and genres through journo crew.

Churnalism, celebrity journalism,Investigative,ambush journalism and a lot more constitute the vast sphere of journalists sets.....!!!!!

And GONZO is one such most modern journo type...
A multi disciplinary perspective of a particular story drawing from culture,sports,political,philosophical and literary sources.

And yes..... chums!!!!! GONZO has been styles in an nontraditional form.

In this era of online journalism ...........,let's get set to break the barriers of red-tape-ism,bribery and anything unethical.

JOURNO IDEAS CREW invite you all to rise up and be the change you for-see..

And today we have  quite an interesting bit to invoke the journalists in you....

[In-order to give a different style to the programme the guest roles aren't framed in a lengthy format..its kind of like bytes from the guests]

Yes!!!!!! to add more flavors.......,let's crown our minds and welcome Mr.SILVESTER ,the eminent travel journalist ,an amazing freelancer,an inevitable personalty in the area of journalism.

So,SILVESTER let me shoot some questions that our listeners are keenly waiting to be answered......
How is your travel plus clicking n clicking snaps etc..etc...going so far...????

<reply/answer from the guest><on the spot> that was such an inspiring content from SILVESTER,my admiration to travel journalism have increased to such a height.

And now we have ,Ms.MERLIN the fashion journalist who has reached the pinnacle of success through those wonderful fashion segments ,columns and reporting.....

Ohkkkk.....MERLIN how is your pace moving ????

<reply/answer from the guest><on the spot>

WoW....!!!that means you lead quire a stylish profession,listeners catch on ,grab this career.

Friends....!!!!!!Guess from which sphere we have got the next personnel.Yes!!!! its the Entertainment spectrum,the most  colorful area and we have....... Mr.GEORGE who has proved his mettle in this field.

So....pals!!!Let's ask him what exactly is happening in entertainment journalism..GEORGE how is life as an entertainment journalist...??????

<reply/answer from the guest><on the spot>

Thanks GEORGE ..keep shining....

And people this is it...!!!!All you need to know about GONZO is coming up...!!!

All you need to do is set your channel as TENOR TUNES 94.4 FM to get the fully packed JOURNO IDEAS...!!!This is RJ ELSSA JOHN coming up with much more creative concepts,creative people ,innovative sets...for you all.....!!!!!!!!


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