TITLE: Pace of the net-neutrality and free basics

INTRODUCTION: The concept of free basics fosters on accessing internet free of any charges while also highlights the fact that it act as a global gatekeeper for internet connectivity. On the other side net neutrality is a view that denotes about the privilege that one should be availed with, to innovate and access internet without any hindrances, limits and restrictions. These two terms have been linked up for their contradictory nature and have proved to be the most discussed and highly commented issue in the present. The venture, introduced by the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, under the consent of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi have been followed with discussions in support and against. After major counterattacks through letters and opinions and rising up voices for net neutrality, the government is even on the brink to temporarily cease the proposal. While planning to consider the proposal anytime later.

HYPOTHESIS: Focusing on the different aspects of free basics I would analyse the reasons that made this project to be started in India. And there by from the roots would study the factors that made government to withdraw this proposal for some time being. Thereby I will be able to figure out why the rights groups and eminent personalities across the world oppose this start up. The findings about the implementation styles and level of acceptance of this project would help me describe the reach of this venture, how active Indian people are towards the interference of any foreign projects. The reason of the net neutrality that is linked up with free basics which has brought debates and discussions will help me collect opposing and supporting points. Reasons why different countries have already banned zero rating idea would help me get reasons to emphasize on how particular and alert India should be to implement this venture.

METHOD: I would gather information that explains the concepts of zero rating, digital divide and reference on the encryption rules, learn the debates of supporters and detractors, find out the two sides of it. I would collect various sources that would help me prepare an overall graph analysis of set of people who support, oppose and are inert about the subject. Word of mouth method from the grass root levels to the topmost on the project. Carry out pilot study through statistical, questionnaire approaches. Will find out how credible this venture is through analyzing cyber rules, whether it hampers privacy and estimate what profit would this bring to its implementers and what actually the users be offered if accept this venture. Would study the laws and understand the plans of this project through meetings with the different eminent personalities in different sectors whose statements would be considered valuable in the study.
The methods used to sort out different views about the subject and the analysis styles used were word of mouth, questionnaire analyse graph studies, and debates. Through this analysis I propose to discern between different contradicting points and clear my vague idea about the subject. I intend to pin point certain questions to different groups concerning the matter whether free basics offer free and open internet, zero rating concept, the effects of net neutrality and future of this concept. Though the study conducted is too narrow to be considered but the result form the same gives precise data. Through my overall analysis using different methods, the five out of ten are inert about the subject and the rest three are over the influence of the government and totally support any decisions of the government while the other two have valid points to present so as to mark their opposition for the venture.

******A glance into the research design pattern of net-neutrality and free basics_assigned in the first pace of communication research classes.******


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