That mirthful experience  began with little scoldings from my mom for making a mess in my room mixing the wardrobe and book shelves clinged together...and she yells for this very routine mistake of mine..!!!!!eventually  my conscience pushed me to give a hand to the cleaning tasks..and then I tried to arrange those shelves and ........fortunately confronts with that good old poem book of mine!!!!!!!!!.. I had to pat it...there was so much love revolving with the dusty galaxies spiraling around and still I decided to flip around each pages while sneezing hard.....
and finally I made sure..let me make it digital...a 2012 scribbling ...let It fly from the paper to the keypad and then to my screen...a poem with million mistakes...billion errors... immaturity..and still you are like THIS IS MY compilation of words..does it make sense or not???....oh!! thats kkk
                                                                                                              13th November 2012
   Tuesday 3:35pm
SHE made her way to the hilltops first;                                              
Her petty chiruppings weren't  rare there..
Her quiver added musical awe to the sprouts...
She passed her fibs to the sleeping bugs..
Her rumbling voice refreshed the moving breeze...
She perched on a dead wood..;
Her dainty moves vow its spring....!
She was daffy and her nature glowed the sun....
Her leaps gained faultless looks from the vast...
She made the green smitten to her love....!!!
The globe went out of blues of her cute pace....
She had no choice..,less options..!!
But she made herself feel ease and free..
Her sighs were signs of smirks...
None lift her skills hail up...
She pepped herself to rose her cheers..
Her appealing eyes resembled the lucky stones....
Her happy-go-fluky attributes......whispers in all our hearts "Hardships are light"
Hurdles are never stagnant....!!!                    "                                                               


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