" ACCEPTANCE OF 3D TECHNOLOGY AMONG THE HUMAN KIND" this was the first thought that was put up by our teacher in the very recent practical slot for us to figure out our views on the same .And this is quite a broad topic as far as my study on the same is concerned.
From the prehistoric period where Leonardo Da Vinci gifted the world with his "perspective" idea followed with the "photometry Camera re-sectioning" of Johann Henrich lambert ,the least square study of Carl Friedrich Gauss and Charles Wheatstone's "stereopsis"... the yearning to view matter in the likely real form was reflected in most of the conclusions made by the eminent scientists of the times.

The early photommetry calculations paved ways to rise protective geometry,multi-view relation ides,structures from motion ,practical use of the map making ,photography foundations etc..comes across the historical part of the 3D tech..The 3D Computer vision,stereo visions and much more concepts ranging from the initial discoveries and inventions...today when standing amidst of many sophisticated equipments..."sophisticated in the sense for us" ...I often think there is another side..A side we cannot determine whether is advanced or not..we still have no idea whether from a advanced history we have headed to a not so developed one..The only think we know is we are bringing progressively great leaps in this branch of 3D technology..


The video where David F Flander's talk on 3D printing technology on the TED platform is one study piece about this matter.The explanation of "like real object" marking its  beginning from the 1980s prototype of the first 3D printer ,formation of Makebot company,he has also specified about certain changes that 3D printing would bring in the world.Ranging from the "Everyday change, Change about the way we think about food,change the way we experience,change the way we build ,and so on....Its all about customization and personalization of things in the most modern highly advanced easiest way. It changes the way we think about our skin..changing lives of many..A change to our environment when recycling is possible through 3D printing" etc  were the points sorted out by David F Flander. Its a common subject and so is this on my journalism blog.This would even rise on a design blog of its nature..its a technology that's  inevitable in this changing pace.

In journalism too the 3D graphics and 3D printing are the two terms that's moving its innovative aspects..from showcasing the weather forecasting to the docudramas in a form that should not exploit the sentiments of the people at the same time has to make the people aware of certain issues,3D graphics are used.While to make a virtual set to reduce the cost ,3D printing is the best option..Hologram techniques and its reach is another element inclined to this term.The popularity and installation of 3D printing technology is something that we have to look forward onto..a thorough study on its merits and demerits is essential so as to be in favor or against this technology..so far its features excite us..lets see for ourselves what changes and how beneficial these changes are to the world.


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