2018 - For Krantikali

The good team. 

Why is this something KrantiKali's new feminist zine should carry out?

Ans: To my observation many mainstream media do not find minority issues, women issues etc fancy enough to be aired and so I find this platform would be of great help for me to let a larger circle know a culmination of stories that would initiate discourses on the same.

2. What is new about this pitch of yours?

Ans: My writeup wouldnt be confined to my story alone, I can assure you to bring in content from people who want their voice to be well framed into sentences and disseminated. It wont be self centred and a mere stunt.

3. Which medium will you present your piece in the zine?

Ans: I have been doing audio,video and written projects in college. I am comfortable in these areas too. For this pitch I have chosen the " Short article" form.


Its 21st century and women are liberated – “The frog in the well” dude.

Be grateful for the freedom that your father has given you – “Count your blessings” idiot.

Come on! You can’t play the victim card all the time – Born with a silver spoon, royal brat.

You Love me! Your body belongs to me; I want sex- The consent killer

Such a moralist! You act like a feminist, but not ready for a fling? –  I have no idea what I am talking about  guy.

It’s been like this for ages, other women have no issues what’s your problem- the Sati time boy.

This is our Indian culture – Kamasutra winks

My family is traditional and they expect you to initiate prayers- Not when you are menstruating.

And I could go on with much more pukeworthy comments not from conservatives and traditionalists but the very educated, self acclaimed progressive ones. These very anti women, anti minority narratives have been normalised & hailed. And this Apolitical, neutral, self acclaimed freethinkers are everything we should fight against.  The so called progressive saviour's charity offer to women and minority is only a mockery and a stunt that has to be tossed out. Self centred feminists too are a vanity; people with peripheral idea about feminism often fall for their tactics. Feminist movements ought to be against class oppression. Its historical, political and everything that the world stands on. Therefore The calling out of exploitation of any kind shouldn’t be procrastinated for a saviour to take up.

-Athira Elssa Johnson


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