The need for co-existence of books in all forms.

Are print mediums better than their counterparts? Does one replace the other? 

An old vintage bookstore of one favoured genre midst the aroma of old books is frequently glorified content, especially on social media. At the same time, there is also an impressive popularity of gadgets that store eBook libraries.

Whilst printed books are the oldest medium constituting manuscripts scrolls to hardcopies and paperbacks, there has been discoursed adjacent to this, in the quest to find ‘if printed books are better than e-books.  One can narrow down the various aspects and parameters that gratify the purpose of fulfilled reading.

Herein accessibility is a great concern, eBooks serve the purpose of accessibility to most readers, but affordability is another part of it that needs separate research in itself. eBooks cost less as there are no printing, covers,  packaging, shipping, or other charges involved. Reading is the sole purpose here one could afford more eBooks compared to printed books.  

Books are an amalgamation of audio books, braille books etc in a versatile medium that are meant to inform. eBooks require power, and they do last longer than printed books which easily worn out. Even when we draw these comparisons, it is a fact that print and digital books will coexist. However, on the probability of ‘eBooks replacing printed books; on the other side there is still a hike in the number of collectors, bookkeepers and independent bookstores, home libraries etc. Even when print sales go down and digital sales rise up, the prominence of books in all forms are still accepted and very much existent, regardless of the medium.  

Media of all kinds co-exist. One can enhance the other like e-books playing a vital part in text conversions to audio making it more accessible. Shunning one media does no good and is ableist as not every individual has the privileges to access and afford. There is a need to whelm the system to provide and include more into this.  

The various samples of study depending upon the availability and familiarity of the medium opines differently on this. The stats aren’t wrong but the life situations and various other parameters do play a huge role in determining if one medium can be better of than the other, and this will give mixed responses as the facts do give mixed answers. From braille books, downloaded audiobook files, eBooks, online books stores, book clubs,  physical book stores, or just a social media group that shares their pdf collections are all valid communities.

Not one type of medium satisfies all of the needs entirely. E-readers can also have emotional connections to print books, print book readers might also switch to e-reading to explore the abundance and ease of storage.  

The world can beautifully contain printed books with bookmarks and sticky notes, eBooks with highlighting options, braille books in all genres, audiobooks, visual representations of books, and much more. Books endure many revolutions, they survive through all conditions and forms, it’s just that maybe we need to make sure of their reach to every corner of the world, in any medium, in ways one can access them. 

-Athira Elssa Johnson


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