Chennai takes preventive measures to deal with communicable illnesses

Communicable disease control programs and immunizations for illnesses like measles that were delayed due to covid are back in routine 

Chennai: The recent report released by the Georgian based medical organisation Centre for disease control and prevention (CDC)states India is first on the list of global measles outbreaks. Chennai takes steps to tackle communicable illnesses including measles parallel to monitoring the covid-19 cases.  

International medical organizations observe the outbreaks in different parts of the world as a result of the disruptions in routine immunisation, particularly of measles. 

The global measles outbreak list of countries by the CDC states, “Measles outbreaks are declared when the number of cases reported in an area is higher than the expected number of cases”. 

India has 12,271 cases of measles as updated in January 2023. “There is no measles outbreak in chennai , it's the  follow up of regular patients and tracking of children’s symptoms that is going on now, it's nothing to panic as cases are under control” said Statistical medical assistant at  the Directorate of Public health and preventive medicine,(DHS), Chennai.

Skin rashes, fever, runny nose, watery eyes and other prolonged physical discomfort are observed as measles symptoms and these are investigated through diagnostic methods at  medical camps and primary health care facilities.

 According to the community health official (CHO) of Greater Chennai Corporation, routine medical investigations in different parts of Chennai are a cumulative data-keeping process. In case of infections ,medical camps will  be arranged. “We identify illnesses in different cities and wards.  There was a rise in the number of skin infection cases in Anna Nagar, and we dealt with that problem after an identification process. If there are indications of serious illnesses, patients would be further referred to govt hospitals for additional treatment,”, CHO said.

The Joint director of DHS, Dr. Vinayakumar is in charge of the immunisation programmes alloted by the corporation in different zones in Chennai. He is on the ground for the immunisation campaigns and implementations in zones .Measles,Mumps,Rubella (MMR) vaccines ,and MMRV, measles, mumps,rubella,varicella( Chickenpox) vaccines are given as per  medically advised immunisation rounds in various zones. 

The Routine immunisation and monitoring are going on, nothing different about it this year , we had to deal with covid related delays but it's under control as of now”. Lakshmi , data controller at DHS said. 

The  awareness programmes are also a need based routine process in various zones. Measles, Tuberculosis, Malaria.Allergic Conjunctivitis, Acute Diarrheal Disease, are illnesses that were not given needed attention when covid hit, these need frequent monitoring as stated by the Greater chennai corporation, health department. Soundararaj, superintendent of the Directorate of Epidemiology, detailed the functionaries that works to combat infectious illnesses in various zones.

 In rural areas-- district department will arrange camps and we monitor and report corrections to send to govt, district-level offices and GCC collaborate to organise medical camps.``Chennai corporation’s medical department is one of the biggest medical bodies.  Essential drugs like antibiotics are available as an immediate aid at the camps itself, and district-level offices like the ones in Tiruvellur, Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram document patient records.``he said. 

The data and records of outbreaks and its control status is recorded at the Integrated disease surveillance programs of the national centre for disease control, Directorate general of health services, “ We do not share data , other than the ones available on the surveillance database which we update regularly. There is no incidence of the cases as of now” Dr Shobha, Medical advisor at DHS, said.

Measles elimination programmes as advised by the world health organisations and international medical communities – are underway, covid did damages to the routine measles elimination strategies.  Low coverage in routine immunizations for the past few years has contributed to the disruptions in elimination programmes of infectious illnesses, decentralized and dedicated programmes to tackle this are taken by the chennai health departments as updated in January 2023.


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