Pitching pitches//ACJ


Pitch oneTo look into discrimination and exclusion of lgbtqia+ community in India’s blood donation policy

The Central government recently defended the decision to bar LGBTQIA+ (gay and transgender people) from donating blood in India, citing scientific evidence after a member of the transgender community moved the Supreme Court seeking to strike it down.

The central government said the decision is because the community comes under the "high-risk" group for HIV/AIDS.

There is a history of deliberate exclusion of the community to lead normal lives like others, perpetuated by the system. We would like to investigate the operation of blood donation and look into how the decisions, parameters, and eligibility of blood donation work.

The investigation can find more about the mechanism of stigma and discrimination towards the community, in the medical system.

-        We would talk to the donation org, healthcare departments, donation centers,  AIDS control society, DHS, and more health departments for data and leads to more sources.

-        Look into the working of a centralised online blood b-donation management system

Pitch two:

The functioning of the aftercare schemes for gender-affirming surgeries, there are cases every now and then on gender affirming surgeries and how inadequate aftercare makes the recovery difficult, and in some cases, the recovery doesn’t happen,

-        Would talk to the community and their organisations, the health departments to know if there is a community-centric approach followed

The story will focus on detailing gender-affirming surgery.

There is a shortage of data on the development outcomes of sexual and gender minorities. This interrupts with making informed policy decisions and determining what works and what doesn’t for people from the community- so a look into if there is a data system to record these also becomes one part of the story.


Pitch three:

An account of the discourse and policies associated with sexually transmitted illnesses.

STD prevention in India -the prevention and awareness policies

-        focusing Chennai’s health departments

and community-lived experiences

-        AIDS control society, TB research centre,look into co-infections so- DHS and other government health departments also.



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